Day 8 – Berlin Tour and Chocolate!


We woke up at 7:30!

We went down to breakfast at 9, and it was wonderful.

We left the hotel at 9:30 for a tour of Berlin.

We stopped at the Brandenburg gate for a while!

The Ampelmann separated us for a little while. Rude.

We stopped in front of the Reichstag building for a little while.

Then we boarded our bus and stopped at the Holocaust Memorial. On the surface it was a cool looking sculpture, but once they explained what it meant, it was so much more. The outside was shorter structures, and they got taller and the ground got deeper as you went.

In my own words, which I think are correct, it was symbolism for what happened. At first, little things are happening that you overlook or don’t notice. Then things get gradually bigger and worse. But it’s gradual, so it may not scare you. And by the time it’s so bad that you realize what’s happening, you’re in so deep that you can’t find a way out.

That was incredibly moving to me!

Then we went to a Berlin Wall memorial.

The next stop was Checkpoint Charlie.

At some point, we stopped for a – what else – sausage lunch! This was actually called currywurst, and it was quite tasty! It was basically Indian flavored sausages.

After lunch we walked to a hotel to use the facilities. Yet another thing ABD has thought of beforehand!

Then it was time for our graffiti tour!

Portions of the Berlin Wall were covered in it.

The snack basket was out when we got back on the bus! Sound the Hallelujah chorus!

They also passed out museum passes for us to use in our free time if we wanted.

The graffiti artists were actually fascinating!

Everybody wanted a picture of the Anne Frank graffiti!

After we saw graffiti everywhere, it was time to paint our own! On canvases, not the wall!

We went to a cool space that was a nightclub by night!

This was another activity I didn’t think would be as fun as it was!

The artist instructing us was hilarious. He cracked on Americans and our inability to use the metric system like everyone else. He said, “It’s okay though, you got to the moon without it, you did well.”


We had to put on protective gear to paint. It was basically like wearing an oven in those temperatures. I declined putting on the mask. So my lungs are probably full of paint. I can deal.

I’m not going to pretend that I was good at this, but it was still fun!



True artists.

Our friends!  Kelly on the right, thought he was painting a stencil of Roy Orbison.  Then we found out he had painted like the 5th chancellor of Germany or something like that!  My word we laughed so hard.

Our pin!

We had popsicles and Coke after. They were much needed refreshments!

We were laughing at how much sausage we had eaten, and Jamie airdropped us a picture while we talked.

We could not stop laughing. I think the front of the bus was wondering what on earth happened back there.

Our last stop was chocolate making at Ritter Sport!

This was brilliant. You started at the front of the line and chose what kind of chocolate you wanted. Then you picked what went in it.

Like Coldstone! But for chocolate! Why do we not have these?!

While they made our chocolate, we went to the store.

A meter of chocolate!! You better believe if this would fit in my suitcase I would have bought it!

Then we went upstairs for some snacks!

After we ate, we went back downstairs to pick up our chocolate!

Mein schoko!

Mein schoko was amazing! They should probably sell it. I think it had vanilla cookies, marshmallow and one other thing I can’t remember!

Ritter Sport was right across from our hotel, so we went back to the room to drop some things off, and then we went on a walk.

I don’t think I took a single picture!

We had chocolate for dinner! Of course!

Then it was bedtime! One last day tomorrow!

Adventuring with Disney in Germany! August 2-11, 2018
Day 1- Travel Day
Day 2 – Or Was it Still Day 1? Hard to Say!
Day 3 – Neuschwanstein – THE Castle of Your Dreams
Day 4 – Dachau
Day 4 (Part 2) – Beer School and Soccer!
Day 5 – Nuremberg Food Tour and Rothenberg
Day 6 – Rothenberg – Hot, Hot Rothenberg
Day 7 – Bamberg and Air Conditioning in Berlin
Day 8- Berlin Tour and Chocolate!
Day 9 – Bikes in Berlin
Day 10 – Travel Home


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